commercial headshot sessions
Day Rate:
8 hours - $1,000+HST
4 hours - $500+HST
2 hours - $250+HST
Per Person Fee:
Includes 1 headshot per person with option to purchase additional images
additional edited images
Each additional image: $50+HST
Provides you with multiple images for various uses.
professionally edited + retouched images
All delivered images will be professionally edited, colour corrected, colour graded, and retouched in post-processing.
Available in .jpeg, .psd, & .TIF formats
high-resolution images
High-resolution JPEG images
1 final image per person
personalized proofing process
Client has opportunity to proof all the images during the session select their favourite image/images for final delivery. This allows for tweaks with lighting, composition, pose, expression, et cetera during the photoshoot to ensure you receive the images that best represent your product / brand.
online image gallery
Image gallery to download your image / video upon completion that is active for 30 days from the date of delivery
license for personal and commercial use of the images
Client receives digital and printing usage to all delivered images and video for personal and commercial use indefinitely.
expected delivery date
4 - 6 weeks from date of session
rush turnaround delivery
If images are needed sooner than the expected delivery date, a rush premium can be added to the balance at a rate of 20% of the total balance to accommodate tighter timelines
Public Reference
Jer Harman retains the copyright to the images and videos with the ability to share the content on social media & website along with the client’s logo for promotion and advertising purposes
Client can purchase the copyright to ensure public reference and sharing is not allowed for a one-time fee of $1,000